August 2022
Day of Discovery
Day of Discovery is returning on Sunday, August 21 at the Jewish Community Campus! Day of Discovery is a unique opportunity for the entire Jewish community to discover and explore the richness, diversity, and joy of Jewish learning in Kansas City. Registration opens Monday, July 25th. visit http://www.dayofdiscoverykc.org today to learn more about the exciting sessions that will be offered at this year’s day of learning. The last day to register is August 15, so don’t wait as space is…
Find out more »April 2023
Yom Hashoah Service
Sunday, April 16 at 1:30 pm, White Theatre – Jewish Community Campus. The 2023 Yom Hashoah service will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and the 60th anniversary of the dedication of the Memorial to the Six Million. Chaired by Jonathan Jacobs, the program features the wartime experiences of his mother, Judy Jacobs, and includes the traditional lighting of 6 candles honoring the 6 million murdered Jewish victims.
Find out more »JFS Birthday Bash
Jewish Family Services is celebrating its 120th anniversary of helping to improve the lives of people throughout the Greater Kansas City community. Throughout the next year, JFS is hosting a series of fun and engaging events. One event is their JFS Birthday Bash and everyone is invited to come celebrate this important milestone with them. Bubbies, Zadies, Moms, Dads, Aunts, Uncles, and Children of all ages will be invited to participate in: Hands-on mitzvah opportunities A family-friendly, interactive concert with…
Find out more »December 2023
March 2024
Community Purim Carnival
Join the fun, there will be carnival games and crafts. All families are welcome. Register at purimkc.org.
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