We celebrate the Jewish holidays with beauty, joy, and creativity
High Holidays
The celebration of the High Holy Days as a religious community is central to our religious life. Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur bring the community together for spiritual renewal. Our services are highlighted by extraordinary music by Becky and Nathan Bliss and stimulating messages from Rabbi Londy.
2024 High Holiday Details
The celebration of the Festival of Sukkot brings much joy to our congregation. The synagogue has a large Sukkah which is the center of activity throughout the festival. A special Sukkot celebratory meal is part of our congregational life which brings together our members of all ages. Every member of the synagogue is given the opportunity to shake the Lulav and Etrog. Our congregation is renowned for our yearly program of SukkotFest!
Simchat Torah
As Sukkot concludes, we observe the final day of this fall festival: Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah. Shemini Atzeret is an additional day of celebration added to Sukkot in the Torah. Simchat Torah marks the end (and the beginning) of the annual Torah reading cycle. Our synagogue follows the Reform custom of observing one day of the holiday that includes both festivals.
The New Reform Temple has a large outdoor Hanukiyah (Menorah) which has become the center for the communal celebration of Hanukkah every night of the festival.
The celebration of Purim is focused on our children in our religious school. Innovative ways to experience the holiday, including the creative megillah reading, Purim spiel, and Purim delicacies, highlight this festival of joy.
Passover is traditionally a home festival. Rabbi Londy offers yearly seminars which instruct our members in the mechanic of making a meaningful Passover Seder in our homes.
Shavuot has always been an important day of celebration in Reform Synagogues. Traditionally, Confirmation is celebrated on this Festival as the students affirm their link to the Torah itself. A meaningful Shavuot meal and study is part of our regular religious calendar.