June 2022
JFS Healthy Snack & Toilet Tissue Drive
JFS will provide granola and/or fruitbars, etc. and toilet tissue to people in our community who can't afford healthy food and basic household supplies. Between June 1 and September 1, we will be collecting these items at the Temple. Details regarding drop-off hours will be posted in the Temple's weekly email.
Find out more »September 2022
Blood Drive
Roll up your sleeves and give blood at a donor center! To attribute your donation to The New Reform Temple, give the below Group Code: KCZQ when you register. Appointments are strongly recommended. To make an appointment, visit savealifenow.org, or call Cierra Arterburn at 816.352.5372 or by email at carterburn@gmail.com
Find out more »JFS High Holy Day Food Drive
One-sixth of Americans do not have enough food to eat. People in our community do not have money, even with government support, to make it to the end of the month. Our support of the Jewish Family Service’s Food Pantry in Brookside is an effective way to address this need. Donations can be dropped-off at NRT during the week, at Shabbat services or during Religious School. Please, no perishables. If you have questions, please contact Donna Holmes at cholmes56@kc.rr.com JFS…
Find out more »October 2022
Operation Breakthrough Sweet Potato & Marshmallow Drive
Operation Breakthrough provides a safe and loving environment for children in poverty. The organization offers assistance to at risk families through advocacy, childcare, donations, health care and emergency aid. Donations of sweet potatoes and marshmallows may be dropped off at NRT during the week, during Shabbat services no later than November 3rd or at Religious School no later than October 30th.
Find out more »JFS Hanukkah Gift Card Drive
Our congregation partners with JFS to provide gift cards to economically challenged families. Gift cards allow families to choose correct sizes and styles, shop for groceries or support a family member. From now - November 25, you may purchase gift cards from Target or Walmart in increments of $25 only please. Gift cards may be brought to Religious School or mailed to the Temple (by November 21) at 7100 Main Street, KCMO 64114.
Find out more »February 2023
Spread the Love Food Drive
Please bring your favorite family "spreadables" to the Temple during the month of February. There is a barrel right inside the front door where you can drop them off. Donations will be taken to the Brookside JFS Food Pantry, on Tuesday, February 28.
Find out more »March 2023
Passover Food Drive
Join JFS in ensuring that everyone in our Jewish community can celebrate Passover, enjoying a festive Seder and observing the traditional holiday customs! You can help brighten the holiday for 225 families in Kansas City by making a financial contribution or donating items to Jewish Family Services Passover Holiday Food Drive. Passover Food Items Needed: Grape juice Matzah ball soup mix Boxes of matzah Baking mixes Potato starch Matzah cake meal Matzah meal Items can be donated from now through…
Find out more »August 2023
Show You Care With Underwear & Socks
Show You Care with Underwear and Socks for Operation Breakthrough! NRT is collecting new underwear and socks for Operation Breakthrough students, size 3 toddler-size 8 (youth medium). This is a loving, safe and nurturing environment for children in poverty. Their vision has always been for all children to have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. A container will be outside the front door, at NRT, for donations, August 18-27.
Find out more »November 2023
Operation Breakthrough Toy Drive
The New Reform Temple is collecting toys for Operation Breakthrough's children this holiday season! Drop items off at the Temple now through December 17. Here are some items their kids would enjoy: Doll Stroller Blocks Toy people and animals Legos Puzzles (Peg or Knob) Shape sorter Rattles/Teething Rings Educational toys Cars & Trucks Toy Telephone Board games Play pretend clothes Craft Kits Bath & body items Manicure/Pedicure Kits Musical toys Slime Diary or journal Hair accessories All things princess LOL/OMG…
Find out more »February 2024
Passover Food Drive
Congregations and community members are asked to donate grape juice, soup mixes and cake mixes benefitting JFS Food Pantry. Food items are needed for 225 families in greater Kansas City. Make a financial contribution to the Food Pantry or donate kosher-for-Passover foods. Items can be donated from now through March 29 in the NRT food barrel located in our entryway or dropped off in designated JFS Food Pantry barrels in the lobby of the Jewish Community Campus or outside the…
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